Welcome to the Dive Locker Podcast, the podcast for dive professionals. Where we bring you the latest and diving industry resources that make you excellent at teaching techniques, risk management, and dive business.
I’m your host Tec Clark, and it is great to have you on our show today everyone. In today’s episode, we’re going to be going over a couple of features here. Number one, why attend the DEMA Show? Some of you go and some of you don’t. We’re going to be bringing you the reasons why you should be going and there’s going to be some cool things to learn. Second is offering beverages in your dive center. Should you do it? Can you do it? Why do it? So we’re going to get into that. But first I want to thank our first sponsor of this episode of the Dive Locker podcast, and that is the DEMA Show, the DEMA Show, 2019 taking place this November 13 through 16 in Orlando, Florida is the world’s only international trade-only event for dive, travel and action watersports professionals. Attending DEMA Show provides unrivaled opportunities for professional and personal growth. Make new connections that can elevate your business, meet face to face with peers from around the world, and learn new ways of thinking to help increase your success. Learn more and register at DEMAShow.com So here we go. Let’s do this.
Why Attend the DEMA Show?
Okay, so I remember back to when I became an instructor. At the end of my instructor training course, the trainer said to us all, “congratulations now that your instructors, this is your license to learn.” And I thought, “what are you kidding me? I just went through a huge course, grueling, and I’ve just hit the pinnacle. You know, I’m at the top. What do you mean this is my license to learn? I just learned a whole bunch.” Well, I didn’t get it until shortly thereafter. The license to learn is when we do become dive professionals, this is the start of gaining more wisdom, more knowledge, more experience in our field. We become more into our craft of education and teaching and professionalism and supervision. So that comes in time. But it is a really great point that says we never stop learning. You have to have a student’s heart and a student’s mentality to be a great leader and a be a great dive professional and a great instructor.
One of the things that I have found keeps me at the top of my prime and the top of my craft is annually attending the DEMA Show. So DEMA puts on an annual trade Show every year, and that trade Show is one of the kind – mecca for people to go to, to understand our industry, to dig in and go deeper in our industry. So the reasons to attend the DEMA Show are what I want to really explain today so that you get it. If you’ve never been before, this is going to be eye-opening for you to understand why this investment matters. And for those of you that have gone before, maybe you’ve done it in just a one day, in and out, maybe you only go into the Show floor and that’s it. Well, there’s so much more to the entire DEMA Show and to your development as a dive professional.
And that’s what we’re going to do today is go over my top 10 reasons why every dive professional should attend the DEMA Show. Now, it is coincidental, is it not, that this is the first episode that the DEMA Show is actually a sponsor of! Hey folks, the DEMA Show is a sponsor of this episode, but I’ve had this in the queue already from the beginning, from weeks and weeks ago that this episode was going to be now. Cause we’re about six weeks out right now from the DEMA Show, so I wanted to do this now and lo and behold, DEMA Show became a sponsor. So anyhow, this is pretty cool that those two gel together. So let’s get into this.
First of all, you’ve got to take a look at this team: Tom Ingram, Nicole Russell, June French, all the team over at DEMA get together with NTP National Trade Productions. This is an award winning trade Show productions company that works together to put on these epic events. And they do it in a really great manner that is in multiple locations and it has grown since the first trade Show. The first DEMA Show was in 1977. Today, the DEMA Show has grown to host over 600 exhibitors with just about 10,000 attendees at each Show. Now, the neat thing about these attendees is that they are all diving industry professionals only. It’s not open to the public or consumers. You have to be a dive pro to get into the DEMA Show. And we’re talking about these 600 exhibitors. They are everything from equipment manufacturers, travel destinations, apparel wholesalers, dive training agencies, and diving business service providers. So there is something for everyone at the DEMA Show.
And so you know, there’s a lot of you that, come hell or high water, you’re going every year. That’s me. I’m with you. And then there’s those of you that say, “no, it’s not worth it. It’s a drain on our finances and time, resources.” But I’m here to tell you folks that can’t be further from the truth. Your opportunities for growth and development in the diving industry multiply when you or your staff invest in going to the DEMA Show. It is truly professional development. Put aside professional development dollars, make this a budget and attend the DEMA Show. So here are my top 10 reasons to attend.
Number 10, Location. Get away. Really get away. If you’re like me, when I’m around my house, when I’m around business, all I’m thinking about are the things that need to be done. All my tasks, so doesn’t matter if I want to listen to a podcast or if I want to focus on a webinar or read a book or something. There’s always things in the back of my head that I got to do. However, when you get out of your city, you get out of your business and you go somewhere else and that place is a cool travel destination – that is something neat. You get to really disconnect and focus on why you’re there. Now of course you can touch base with your dive center and your crew back home and yeah, I do it too. But the deal is that you’re more focused because you are somewhere else and the locations are pretty darn cool.
So this year coming up in a few weeks, we’re going to be in Orlando. In 2020 we go back to new Orleans! So many of us loved the New Orleans thing and it got out of the rotation for a while. Now New Orleans is back in. That is a fun Show. Cool location. In 2021 we go to Vegas! Vegas, baby! And 2022 we’re back in Orlando. So there’s a great rotation of destinations to go to and Hey look, these locations are so tourist-rich that helps make your flights less expensive to get to. And there’s all kinds of ways to get great discounted flights and transportation, things like that.
Number nine, Resource Centers. Now two of the most popular and expertise intensive areas in diving are photography and technical diving. So the Show has created custom areas on the Show floor called resource centers. They have the Image Resource Center and the Technical Diving Resource Center. Now in these resource centers, they’re kind of little theater based areas and experts get up and talk about these areas one right after another in a schedule that goes all day long. And what’s really cool is that these resource centers are located in the midst of several exhibitor booths relating to that specialty area. So around the image resource center are tons of underwater photography and video vendors right there.
So it’s just awesome. Same with the technical diving resource center. All these technical companies and brands are all around that. It’s really cool. So it’s kind of like a hub on the Show floor that specializes in these two areas. So number nine is resource centers.
Number eight is Social Events and Award Parties. Now these are cool. Every night of the DEMA Show is filled with some kind of social event. Many of these are hosted by the major players in the industry. Some of them are open to everyone and some of them are open to just the kind of private clientele of that group or let’s say it’s a training agency. You might have to be an instructor or a professional with that agency. Now a lot of these places have cash bars, sometimes free bars, or free hors d’oeuvres and so forth. So if you want food, get there early!
Now some of the best socials that are out there are SSI, PADI, DAN, DeeperBlue, Wet Pixel, it goes on and on. There’s a lot of them. And then you’ve got the industry awards. Now the industry award socials are a little bit different. These are more formal. They usually come with full dinners. There’s a cost to them and these are some of the biggest award parties that are out there. We’re talking the Women Divers Hall of Fame, the Academy of Underwater Arts and Sciences, and of course the big one is the DEMA awards party. Now with the DEMA awards party, they’re going to be giving out the Wavemaker awards and the Reaching Out Awards. And this year, by the way, big shout out to my buddy Spencer Slate, Captain Slate. He was on League of Extraordinary Divers podcast, episode number two. He and I go way back.
So congrats. Slate for being a Reaching Out Award winner and also Zig and Joann Zighan. Now if you are part of the Northeast, you know, Beneath the Sea Dive Show, legendary dive Show in the Northeast, it’s fantastic. Zig has been doing this for decades and he is just an awesome. So those two guys are going to be celebrated at the DEMA awards party. So that’s a great one too. Um, all the social events and awards are just fantastic. So that’s part of the nightlife and that’s part of networking and it’s more casual than on the Show floor. So you get to do a lot more talking and get to know people in a really fun and engaging way.
Number seven is DEMA Sponsored Seminars. Now here is one of the cool things that I absolutely love. Not only is this huge Show floor with 600 plus vendors, right? But we also have seminars, tons and tons of seminars. And of those seminars, DEMA has what’s called sponsored seminars, DEMA sponsored seminars. There’s also exhibitor sponsored seminars, which you’re going to hear about next. But the DEMA sponsored seminars are a big deal because what DEMA does is that they vet out and go nationwide to people that do this speaking circuit in business, in social media, in marketing, and they bring them in to give you high caliber business lectures and presentations. They’re really cool. So some of the things that you’re going to see this year are going to be about social media, selling, social media advertising, winning at trip advisor, SEO (search engine optimization) best practices, Google analytics, hiring strategies, YouTube strategies; the list goes on and on and on. So the DEMA sponsored seminars are really cool, really rich, and they can help you out so much in your dive business.
And that leads us to number six, Exhibitors Sponsored Seminars. So you can imagine if there’s over 600 exhibitors, they get the opportunity to create and do one hour seminars on their own so they can put on educational presentations at different points throughout the Show. And it could be just one offs here and there to learn more about a vendor or a brand or something like that. But then there are exhibitors like PADI and NAUI and SSI and Divers Alert Network and they have ongoing seminars in multiple rooms over multiple days. And if you can’t make one seminar then just look at the calendar. They’re going to do the same seminar on another day at a different time and on another day at a different time. So you get the opportunity to pick and choose what it is that you want to go to and hear. These exhibitor sponsored seminars are fantastic and you can get lots on risk management, sales practices, standards changes and you can even get training and that’s a really cool thing – to repair courses and you know any kind of trainer level courses and all that. So really, really good stuff in the exhibitor sponsored seminars.
Number five is Booking Dive Travel. Now we all know that traveling to some of the best destinations in the world is the heart and soul of what we do as dive pros and get people into underwater exploration. Well since so many dives centers and independent instructors offer dive travel to their customers, there is no better time and place to gather as much info on diving destinations as the DEMA Show you see. They’ve got everybody there from liveaboard yachts and land-based dive centers.
Dive travel is represented so well at the DEMA Show and what’s really cool is that if you’re interested in going somewhere like the Florida Keys or The Bahamas or something like that, you will actually find a pavilion. It’s called a travel pavilion and the entire aisle is dedicated to that region and you can go there and just say, “I’m interested in The Bahamas” and you’ll go booth to booth to booth to booth to see all the different operators are down there and hey, at the same time, you’ll be serenaded by steel drums and maybe some rum punch. So booking dive travel is so cool because it’s all in one destination. They’re showing you videos of their places, you get to see what the hotel rooms look like, the dive boats. on and on and on. It is awesome for booking dive travel at the DEMA Show.
Number four is seeing the Latest Products and Technology. Our industry is always changing and the DEMA Show is the place to see what is new and what is coming out. So in fact, on the Show floor, DEMA even has a New Products Showcase. So instead of going to booth to booth to booth to find out what’s new, you can conveniently look in display cases to see all the new products that are launched at the Show. And then you get to see where they’re located. So for more information, you know where you can go. So this is a great way to see what is new and what is on the market. And then to go research it further.
Number three is connecting with Dive Training Agencies. Now we all know to be a dive pro, it means you need to be a part of a dive training agency and for that reason, the dive training agencies are there at the DEMA Show. What’s cool is that you can learn directly from them about standards, changes, new products, risk management, new initiatives, all of this. Because they’re there, they’re there to answer your questions. So if you’ve got a beef about something, bring it up to them, right? Then you can talk about it. You can find out the rationale of why things have changed or whatnot. If a new products coming out or a new book or a material or training product, you get to preview it right there and see what it’s about.
The other thing is that, you know, I’ve talked about this before, there’s so much about agency bashing that goes on, “Oh my agency’s better than yours and blah, blah, blah, and on and on and on,” well, you know what? Why don’t you take some time and actually go to a booth of another training agency and see what they’ve got going on. It’s awesome to learn what are the strengths of other agencies and I mean it’s really a cool thing. So you can be more knowledgeable as a dive pro by spending some time in all of the agencies’ booths and seeing what they’ve got going on. I think that’s a really smart thing. And also the agencies have educational seminars just like I said in the reason number six, the exhibitor seminars. These educational seminars are fantastic and you will get to really dig in and learn more about your agency and what they have to offer by attending those educational seminars.
Number two, connecting with Equipment Manufacturers. Now let’s face it, we love the gear, right? It’s all about gear. So since we are an equipment intensive sport, the sales and distribution of dive gear to divers is a huge part of our diving business. So this is a great way to see what’s new and improved and coming around in the industry with regards to equipment, everything is there. I mean everything; the soft goods, the hard goods, the advanced stuff, the technical items, it’s all there. There’s even boats there. I mean, it’s crazy how much equipment is at the Show and then there’s the little stuff. So let’s say you have a dive center and you want some accessories, you want some apparel, you want some jewelry. These vendors are going to be there and you get to talk with them about what are the price points, what are the contracts, what does it look like? And you can actually make purchases at the Show for your year or however you want to do that. So there’s so much to connecting with equipment manufacturers that it becomes one of those big things. That’s why it is number two on my list.
And that leads us to our number one reason to attend the DEMA Show. Drum roll, please is Networking. Now, I know you might be thinking, “wait a minute, some of those other things that are a whole lot more compelling than networking,” but hear me out. In my experience over decades of going to the Show, I can say that networking has been the number one tool that I come away with every year and it grows and grows and allows my business and professional networking and standing to grow and grow as well. So whether you are in seminars, at social events or you’re on the DEMA Show floor, you’re going to be networking with the absolute who’s who in the diving industry. And we’re talking from the executives of the largest players in the industry down to brand new dive pros.
They’re all there. And so the ability to network with people just helps you to learn from them. They face the same challenges that you face, the same threats, the same opportunities. They get to share what’s working and what’s not working. And you get to share what’s working and not working. And because of that you connect. And that’s where we see people embrace every time they get together and they see each other every year at the DEMA Show. Why? Because they had great times with somebody from a previous year or they learned and met somebody and then went on a dive trip with them. Two shops went together on the same liveaboard at the same week and now they’re like best buds. This happens. I mean, there’s countless stories like this.
So for that reason, I think that the ability to connect with other dive pros gives you an advantage to return home with new strategies that you cannot get anywhere else. That’s why for me, number one is networking. So there you go. Those are the top 10 reasons why to attend the DEMA Show. Look into this yourself, head over to DEMAShow.com and there you’ll see how you can register, how you can get into the hotel block and everything. That’s a part of the Show. So there you go my friends, I hope to see you there because I’m going to be there, and introduce yourself. Let’s get to know each other and just make it a great time because it always is.
Offering Beverages at Your Dive Center
“Can I get you a drink?” When was the last time you heard that said, probably at your friend’s house or at a bar or at a restaurant, but not at a retail location. So what is with offering beverages at retail locations, for free? What about this and your dive center? Should this be done? Can it be done? What are the pros and cons? That’s what we’re going to talk about in this next segment. Now this came to me, a couple scenarios happened. First. Culinary Concepts is a outdoor grill and outdoor kitchen specialty store here in Pompano Beach, Florida, and the owner, Dean, when you go in your first time in there, he’s going to greet you, welcome you, and he’s going to say, “can I get you a beverage?” What he’s asking next is “would you like a beer? Would you like a soda? Would you like water?”
And from that point forward, whatever you elect, he’s going to remember in his contact management with you from this point forward. He’s going to remember that you like the beer, you like the Sprite or Pepsi or Coke or whatever it is? So what he does is he kind of establishes this, but think about this, that beverage and having beverages blends nicely with the outdoor grilling concept, right? So lots of men frequent that store and lots of grilling takes place and lots of beers consumed around grilling, right? So it’s kind of like this natural tie-in. Well here’s what happens when you say yes, you now have engaged in this new time and relationship to sit and sip a beer or a soda or whatever and talk and get to know a little bit more about the people and about the items that are in there and so forth.
And because of this, this is become a really neat thing that that store does and they offer it free. It’s not charged. And in our state this is legal. So there’s some really cool benefits that come here. There’s another scenario. This other scenario is this. My wife is a clinical psychologist and she just left an office space to open her own private practice with her own office space and in, so she invested in a Keurig coffee and tea maker and then put an assortment of coffees and teas in her waiting room with some wonderful relaxing music and some scented air diffusers. And so she made this environment very different than the other place she was at. Now what she’s observed is that her clients are coming in and they will sit and relax and really take the time to make themselves a coffee or a tea and just get in the moment to relax and get ready for the session.
They get to bring their coffee or tea into the session. And what she’s also discovered is that there are clients that are coming way early before her time and they are just sitting there to get their tea or their coffee and relax in a quiet room and just a great environment. And so all of a sudden this became a really unique feature to look at is the beverages that can be offered in, in that kind of setting. What does it do to people? What is it setting them up, how are they being treated and comforted? So I dug into this and found a whole bunch of things that I think are really compelling reasons why you should consider offering beverages in your dive center.
First of all, let’s get this straight. We’re not talking about, you need to be doing alcohol all over. If you do not think that alcohol and diving should mix in any way, shape or form, fine. There’s all kinds of beverages that you could do that are non-alcoholic; your coffees, your teas, your waters, your sodas, right? And that’s absolutely great. But on the other side of it is that, you know, our industry does have a lot of fun and you will see that there is social drinking that does take place on dive trips, obviously after the dives, right? Like any rule on a liveaboard, at the moment that you take your wine or open up your, your alcoholic beverage, you’re done diving for the day, right? So we don’t want the two to mix, but can it be a social thing on the, on the alcohol side, like beer or wine? Yes. So think about this. Let’s look at some of the things that take place when you offer beverages in your dive center.
First of all, there is increased time that is going to take place. When you offer a beverage, people are going to sip whatever beverage you give them. So sipping takes time and that time is time in your dive center. That time in your dive center allows them to be exposed more to your dive center and it also allows for more time to be exposed to the people in your dive center. So what do you think is going to take place? Well that’s number two, increased social interaction. There’s going to be more discussion. So more discussion happens than somebody just walking in and saying, “Hey, tell me about this. I want to try this on.” And then leaving. You can get a much more time intensive quality experience when somebody is sipping a beverage and you’re talking, this also is a social thing.
So think about this. When people put a cup in their hand or a bottle or a warm beverage – a tea or a coffee and they’re smelling that beverage and it’s got something that their hands can do, they just tend to relax a little bit more, open up a little bit more. They feel more present and more comfortable. That’s an awesome thing. And so whether that social time is all about diving or maybe it’s even non diving, doesn’t matter. You’re getting to know the person, which leads us to number three, increased bonding. Increased bonding means increased trust. When people look at you as warm, friendly, inviting, and generous, now you’re talking loyalty, now you’re talking comfort. People are going to be more apt to open up to you and want to do business with you because you’re getting to know them, they’re getting to know you. And because of that, there is a really, really great loyalty that can be built because of the comfort.
And again, I’m not talking that this needs to be, you know, alcohol fraternity party session. No, we’re talking that a beer, a wine, a, a coffee, a tea, a water – just something helps with people just opening up and staying longer and connecting. Now, here’s some things to think about. First of all, laws, when you’re talking about giving away free alcohol, let’s say. In many States, you do not need to possess a liquor license to do that. Now there are rules that go along with this. In other words, you can’t sell. You can’t advertise it. You have to be able to give it equally and indiscriminately. The list kind of goes on and on with that. Now there’s other States that say, “no, as soon as a person comes into your retail center, they’re doing business with you. And if you give them a free beverage or not, it doesn’t matter. You need to be controlled by a liquor license.” So you have to check first. If you do think that going the alcohol route, the beer or wine route is something that you would want to do, you must look into that, into the laws that a, that are with your state and with your County and city. So definitely do that first before you start investing in this beverage offering.
Now here’s a couple tips for you. First of all, you could just go out and get a Keurig or a kegerator – a little refrigerator with a keg in it for beer. You could just do that and make it happen. But actually here’s where it can get really cool. Partner with your local coffee roasters and breweries. So if you decide to go the coffee route, there are going to be in most medium to large size cities, coffee roasters that are local, independently owned shops, probably a coffee shop, and they are roasting their own coffee, producing their own beans and coffee blends and that kind of thing.
Get with them and tell them that you want to Showcase their product in your store. Now, what happens here is this great opportunity for cross promotion. They know you’re promoting them, they’re going to be apt to help you out with an event you’re doing or something like that. Prizes, giveaways or so there becomes a neat relationship when you do a partnership. So I recommend that for local coffee roasters. Look, everybody can get Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts in their Keurig, right? But why not go for something locally. So look into that. The other thing is the breweries, so local craft breweries are popping up all over the place, multiple ones in every town just about. And so you could do a rotation of different beers that the local breweries are doing. Again, the same thing applies their apt to promote you because you have promoted them.
And so it goes on and on. Hey look, if you are offering a trip to Hawaii and that’s your big, big destination that your dive center’s taking people to, you could be blending up some pina coladas, they could be virgin, they could be not virgin, whatever you wanted that to be. Just think about that and know what the rules and laws allow. But now that smell of coconut and pineapple in the air, and the opportunity to blend that up and then talk about the trip as their drinking that frozen beverage in your store that just leads to more contact time, which could in turn lead to more sales and whether that’s the trip, whether it’s equipment or whatnot. So think about this, offering beverages in your dive center. Lots of pros, barely any cons. The cons can be that you got some prices and some consumption and costs that go with that.
You’ve got the laws that you gotta know before doing so. You know, I do remember a dive center owner in California once saying that they did this and they had lounge chairs and couches and people literally spent hours in their store talking. It was kind of like the modern day dive equivalent to a barbershop and just people were hanging out talking. So, you know, he didn’t look at that terribly favorably, but they were good customers in the long run. Uh, but as he put it, he needed to get work done and he couldn’t talk to people all day long. So that could be one of the negatives behind it as well. But anyhow, Culinary Concepts is crushing it, uh, with the way that they do that and the way that they engage with their customers. Private practice, like my wife’s doing, you see this in, nail salons and in wedding shops. So this practice is getting a little bit more traction, so you should look into this for your own retail operations as well.
Thanks for Listening!
That will do it for today’s episode. Thanks for listening my friends and thanks also to the DEMA Show for being our sponsor of this episode. Remember to subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher. That way you’ll be notified of new episodes as soon as they go live and please leave a rating. Items talked about in this episode can be found on the show notes page over at scubaguru.com and there you can also leave topic recommendations for future episodes. Thanks again everyone. We’ll see you in the next episode. Safe diving and take good care, my friends.
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