In this episode of The Dive Locker Podcast you will learn what special programs dive pro’s can do to keep fit to dive during COVID-19 lockdown.
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Welcome to the dive locker podcast, the podcast for dive professionals where we bring you the latest in diving industry resources that make you excellent at teaching techniques, risk management and dive business.
Well several weeks of being quarantined indoors is certainly something new to all of us. And with this change comes uncertainty, anxiety and maybe for some, worry about the future. Everyone is commenting on social media about how much more theyre eating and drinking. Alcohol sales in the US jumped up 55% the first week of April amid the COVID-19 lockdown. Wow. Well I too am guilty of these trends. I’ve enjoyed lots of time with my wife and kids, we spend time playing games and playing in the pool – so with that comes eating and drinking. Ive even been on several virtual happy hours toasting my friends on a computer screen.
And then we add to this the sedentary lifestyle. Sitting at a home computer all day, binge watching Netflix, board games – you see the issues? So the question is will we be in shape when the world is green lit to go diving again? I mean diving fitness as a dive pro to teach a class or supervise a dive trip? Our guest today is The Scuba Fitness Coach herself Kristen Fassolas, and she will explain why during this time of quarantine at home, we risk rapid loss of cardio vascular fitness and strength fitness. We also talk about the fitness really needed to perform assists and rescues as dive pro’s. And, I’m going to share with you two at home tools that will dramatically help you with your diet and fitness during this time of quarantine. And one of them is a special offer to you listeners of this podcast only!
Resources to Get Through These Crazy Times and Stay Fit
Okay, so here’s the issue. Some of you will resist getting in shape now because of your need to conduct dive rescues, you may have never actually had to do one, so you’re thinking I’m not too invested in this. Well let me inspire you a different way. Simply think of this. How can you transform yourself RIGHT NOW while at home in lockdown, so that you emerge a better human than before coronavirus? Let me pitch this again, How can you transform yourself RIGHT NOW while at home in lockdown, so that you emerge a better human than before coronavirus?
Here’s what I did. I have pledged to become a freediving instructor. Now I have always had passion for freediving. In the early 2000’s I was even captain of the US Freediving Team. But over the years I didn’t keep developing my passion, my craft. Instead I applauded others from the sideline as they became freediving instructors. I was a great cheerleader but now I want to play. So I created a COVID-19 goal, to become a freediving instructor. This was fueled by my great interview with Ted Harty of Immersion Freediving in episode 30 and taking his online courses. And I realized as soon as we are done with this whole quarantine thing, I want to be in top physical shape to enjoy and be good at my next levels of freediving training. So I began a process of looking into the best diet and exercise apps out there to do at home. I have landed on my top two and they will absolutely transform you.
First up is the FitOn app. I can’t recommend this app enough. It has 4.9 out of 5 stars on 75,000 reviews at the App Store. You get 100’s of workouts, that are professionally produced by outstanding trainers, some are celebrity trainers.
Next up is Primal Blueprint. This is the creation of Mark Sisson a champion endurance athlete who found himself sick, injured and fatigued all the time until he did tons of research on nutrition. This led to one of the top diet and exercise movements in the world.
Now folks in 2015 I went into cardiac a-fib one night, that is Atrial fibrillation and its a quivering or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) that can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications. I realized right then I needed to change my diet, exercise and reduce stress in my life. Sure enough I did the 21 Day Primal Reset program. And folks I’m here to tell you everything that program claims is absolutely true. They hand hold you through a 21-day journey in bettering your nutrition as well as showcasing better ways to “workout”.
Here are some of the things, first we are carb regulated. Which means we have been programed that most of our standard American diet is carbohydrate intensive. Once the body breaks down these highly processed carbs it handles it just like sugar. it stores it for a time to need it. And thus you put on weight in body fat. But if you start removing processed foods, carbs and sugars from your diet you will see remarkable changes. Instead, you are eating proteins and fats and vegetables and fruits and your not starving.
I did it, and I never felt better or looked better, I actually had less body fat that at my prime in college! In the program you’ll learn that even with this diet rich in meat and fat you will reduce your bad cholesterol. I totally didn’t believe that, and then it actually happened. They claim you will improve your sleep, you will think clearer, you will have more energy throughout the day, and won’t crash in the middle of the afternoon, and you’ll look good naked – and Im here to tell you their claims are true. This program works.
So since this is a 21 day program it is the perfect time to do this. I will have links to the program so that you can check it out more. In fact, I love the programs and products so much that I became an affiliate for Primal Blueprint and Primal Kitchen. Because of this no matter what program or products you buy you will get 10% off if you type in the word SCUBAGURU for the promo code on your checkout page.
And remember you’ll get 10 % off. The way I look at it is this. With the amount of money I’m saving in gas alone per week in this household, I can purchase any one of these 21 Day Primal Reset courses AND purchase the subscription for me, my wife and kids, and I’m good financially. Folks this is the time to invest in yourself. It does no good to worry or gripe and complain about things. Take this time to make changes for the better. Be fit, be healthy and be completely prepared for when the green lights go on for us all to return to work.
And again, think about one area you can transform yourself into at this time. What can you do do come out of this professionally stronger than ever. For me, I have dedicated to become a freediving instructor. And I’m going to take you on that journey with me so that you can see how a new professional pursuit can actually make you feel like you are truly living!
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That’s it for today, everyone. Thank you so much for listening. Remember to subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher, that way you’ll be notified of new episodes as soon as they go live and please leave a rating. Items talked about in this episode can be found on the show notes Page at and there you can also click the microphone and leave us a comment. Thanks again. We’ll see you in the next episode. Safe diving and take good care of my friends.
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